Great support and a plan is coming together!

Our new shed is nearly at the point where we have a clean slate to build a plan for our future. We have managed to clean out and reorganize a few of the Bulkley Valley Bowmen’s storage sheds to accommodate the critical items that were stored in the maintenance building. We are nearly set to start wiring, insulating and paneling the inside of the shed to suit our needs and to better serve the Bowmen and the community with many worthy projects to come. Check out the plan below for some of the preliminary ideas for an arrangement of our shop.

This plan does include the purchase of some great quality equipment that the members will enjoy creating on and will last them long into the future. The equipment we intend to purchase is expensive so we are busy trying to raise funds for the purchase. The Rotary Club of Smithers has recently provided us with a sizable donation to assist us with our first purchase. This will be the heart of the shed, a 10 inch cabinet style table saw with a slider table attachment. This donation gets us half way to the goal line so we have a little more work to do yet! A big heart felt sincere thank you to our Rotary club, they do great work. (and make great food at the fair !!!!)

Proposed shop layout

Another great partner


A little under the weather but great progress still !


The journey continues with a new Home